So, you're spending a lot of money, time and efforts, working like mad to market your business, website, blogs using the most powerful Internet marketing strategies, hoping to make your business a success to earn you a modest living. Most probably, you have been one of the hard chasers, extremely busy writing ad copies, articles, press releases, sending them to media outlets and popular publications, working night and day to promote your business using the most powerful Internet marketing strategies. Basically because affiliate marketing is the laziest and probably the best way to earn money online, unless otherwise you are a entrepreneur and would rather sell your own products online than advertise other entrepreneurs products on your site. Although affiliate marketing is pushed as one of the easiest and most successful ways to earn money online, it's not as easy as it sounds. The most important affiliate marketing secret to bear in mind is the reason why affiliate marketing remains the most effective way of marketing any online business.
Writing your own articles and publishing them can be free as opposed to paying for Pay Per Click Advertising and the more articles you write the more well known you will be and the more targeted website traffic you will get. Every article you have published is great advertising for your website as at the end of your article you will have printed an 'about the author' section (also called bylines), this advertises you and your website and builds free traffic to your site and credibility for you if your articles are of good quality.
You've most likely heard by now that article marketing can help you build links back to your site. Many people do not know it but a free marketing article can be much more commanding than a mini site and can also do a lot more to drive targeted traffic to a targeted site. There's no question, the three most popular ways to drive targeted traffic to your website are pay per click advertising, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and article marketing.
But by themselves they don’t put money in your bank - there are a myriad of factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity to increase your income, not just the number of visitors to your site. Keep in mind that Article Marketing is not an ad, so you can not just start writing about how great your product or service is but rather supply helpful informative content for people. You don't even really need to know much about the subject you are writing the article about since there are resources available that you can use to provide a baseline that would have enough informative content in it to get your article started.
It is impossible to guess which sites will pick your article up, but it can be very exhilarating to find that a piece that you created has been printed by a site with Page Rank of 4 , 5 or maybe better. Research and build a list of all the free article directories you can find so that you can simply submit your articles to the sites on your list when you've finished writing. Based on my experience both as an author and a creator of niche focused content sites, think very carefully before leaping on the wagon of the latest style in article publishing.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
Article Marketing Your Business To Major Success by Micheal Joness
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